
10 May 2024

Meet the Team: Lawrence Rosenberg

What do you enjoy the most about working at Spreckley?

Spreckley has a fantastic culture, and I always appreciate the camaraderie of everyone on the team.

The work is also unbelievably varied − I know people love to say, “No two days are ever the same,” but they really aren’t at Spreckley! I’ve been involved in everything from lobbying campaigns to improve workplace accessibility, delivering PR intro sessions to startups at BlockDojo, all the way to leading the media launch that raised £15 million for London’s next major Oxford Street attraction.

There’s a little bit of everything else sprinkled in the middle, but it’s the freedom to focus on what you enjoy that makes working at Spreckley so engaging.

How did you hear about Spreckley, and why did you want to join?

I was introduced to Spreckley by a friend who spoke super highly of the company and the team. So many PR agencies sound amazing from the outside, but it’s hard to know exactly what the day-to-day looks like without knowing somebody already working there.

Listen, if PR agencies can’t PR themselves, then they’ve got no hope (and most are very good at it), so I’d already decided that I wanted my next career move to come via a connection and trusted friend. There’s no better PR than authentic third-party endorsements from people you trust, and given how much I’ve enjoyed my time here so far, I’d say that it was an excellent decision.

I met Richard after work one day to discuss the potential of working at Spreckley, and everything just clicked. Maybe it was the three pints, maybe it wasn’t, but my instincts said joining was the right move for me, and I love how everything has panned out since.

What’s been the most exciting PR campaign you’ve worked on and why?

I worked on the campaign for Pocket Planet, a major tourist attraction due to open in central London next year. I was given the opportunity to lead its media launch, promoting the project and helping the team secure the investment needed to make it a reality.

We landed on the front pages of the Sunday Times, the Financial Times, and the Evening Standard. The story later went viral internationally in 100+ countries, so our campaign was hugely successful.

Helping them secure the investment needed to make it a reality was a real source of pride. That’s what PR should be all about: using the power of the media to raise awareness and make people’s dreams materialise. Being given the trust to lead the account and then getting the results was a hugely rewarding experience.

If you weren’t in PR, what would you be doing instead?

I’d love to say that I’d be a professional athlete, but seeing as my football team is currently 3rd bottom of the London Jewish Leagues, I somehow don’t think that’s a realistic ambition.

In all seriousness, I like people and enjoy the art of communication, so I can’t see myself doing anything that isn’t communication-focused. My background before PR was in public affairs, so I’d probably be involved in politics and government. I used to run a think tank, but these days, I prefer to write the story rather than be the person who the story is being written about!

Tell us one thing about you that surprises people?

Probably that I don’t watch TV. Like almost ever. It’s a huge cultural blind spot for me; I literally don’t get references to The Office, Friends, or whatever else is popular at the time.

I’ll watch the news, but I rarely watch anything else. A lot of my closest friends live abroad or in different parts of the country, so we’re generally online chatting during the time that I suppose most people watch TV.

What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?

This might sound a little soppy, but I spend a lot of time finding fun things to do with my fiancée. Sometimes it’s the big things like holidays exploring new countries (we’ve done Albania & Hungary this year), other times it’s just finding new activities around where we live. We found an allotment with chickens near us, so we’ve recently spent most evenings going to say hi to them.

We also live next to a park with ducks, so we feed the ducks pretty frequently, too.

Also, as I mentioned, I run a football team in the London Jewish Leagues. I love getting the chance to go out and play football every weekend, and we’ve got a great group of lads who make it worth getting out of bed at 8 a.m. on a Sunday. The standard of football actually surprises people, too.

Who had the most influence on you growing up?

I know it’s cliché, but I’ve never really been one for celebrity idols, so it would have to be my parents. My Dad always worked ridiculously long hours, so I admired his work ethic and dedication to giving us a good upbringing.

The local council also assigned me a pretty rough primary school, so my Mum got a job in a different school so I could get a place there. She kept that job for years so she could take and pick me up from school − something I appreciate massively looking back.

What’s your go-to lunch on Leather Lane?

I’m torn between two. There’s a falafel stall that is by far the best value for money on the lane at £5 a wrap. They don’t usually offer cooked onions, but in the past, they’ve cooked a few slices of red onion on the grill for me because I asked nicely.

There is also a place that specialises in Pakistani food and makes unbelievable paneer salads. £7, and you get all the paneer you could ever want or need.

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

I’m due to be getting married in the next year. That’ll be a first! I’d also like to take Spreckley (even more) global and take journalists on a press trip − somewhere abroad, ideally. I’ve always loved travelling; I think it gives you a better perspective on life when you see more of the world and how other people live.

Favourite quote

“Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?” – Mandy Rice-Davies. I love digging this phrase out to explain the value of PR and third-party endorsements against outright paid advertising.